Guests lectures by Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra and Prof. Fabiola Meco Tébar (University of Valencia, Spain)

Guests lectures by Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra and Prof. Fabiola Meco Tébar (University of Valencia, Spain)

We are pleased to inform that from 21 June 2023 until 23 June 2023 we will host visiting lecturers from the University of Valencia, Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra and Prof. Fabiola Meco Tébar.


Their open lectures at our Faculty will take place in Spanish on:

  • 21 June 2023 r., 16.00 CET , classroom 2042: Introducción de derecho en España. Historia de derecho español I (A formación de España: Invasión musulmana. Reconquista y formación de los reinos hispánicos; La unificación jurídica con la nueva dinastía borbónica. Siglo XVIII.; Rasgos generales de la sociedad, el derecho y la economía española del Antiguo Régimen)- Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra (UV )
  • 21 June 2023 r., 17.30 CET, classroom 2042: Nuevas claves de interpretación del derecho de la persona en España (La redimensión de la dignidad y de la autonomía de la persona. La persona vista desde el enfoque de derechos. La vulnerabilidad y la interdependencia.)- Prof. Fabiola Meco Tébar (UV)
  • 22 June 2023 r., 16.30 CET , clasroom 2042:  Historia de derecho de España II (La Revolución liberal en España. La formación del estado contemporáneo español: centralismo, Ejército, Iglesia y Monarquía. La sociedad, la política y el derecho español durante el siglo XIX. Oligarquía y caciquismo). - Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra (UV)
  • 22 June 2023 r., 17.30 CET, classroom 2042: Derecho civil- el interés superior del niño en el ámbito familiar (e.g Concepto y alcance del interés superior del niño. Conflictos entre progenitores y descendientes en el ámbito de las redes sociales y claves de resolución). - Prof. Fabiola Meco Tébar (UV)
  • 23 June 2023 r., 16.15 CET, classroom 2042: Historia de derecho en España III (La crisis del liberalismo. El fracaso de la Restauración y la dictadura de Miguel Primo de Rivera. La España entreguerras: la Segunda República Española y la primera Constitución democrática (1931). La tragedia: la guerra civil, 1936-1939. La larga dictadura franquista: la represión en la posguerra, la entrada en la ONU en 1955 y el aperturismo de los años 60 y 70. La Transición democrática. La Constitución de 1978)- Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra (UV) 
  • 23 June 2023 r.,17.45 CET, classroom 2042: Las personas mayores ante el derecho en España- avances normativos y cambio de paradigma en su reconocimiento como sujeto de derechos. El edadismo como sistema de subordiscriminación de las personas mayores. - Prof. Fabiola Meco Tébar (UV)


All members of our Faculty and our University community are very welcome to attend!


Prof. Pilar Hernando SerraProf. Pilar Hernando Serra

Professor of History of Law at the Universitat de València (profesora titular), a Vicedean of Faculty of Law of the  University of Valencia and  a member of the Academic Committee of the Degree in Political Science and Public Administration.

Her research interests include in particular:  administration and municipal economic regime of the ancient regime and contemporary times, history of the University, and political and constitutional history (19th-20th centuries). She is an author of numerous publications in scientific journals and books, specifically two monographs on the French administration in Valencia during the War of Independence and on the Cortes de Cádiz and this historical period.

Her latest monograph deals with Valencian legislature in the years of the Second Republic.
Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra has participated uninterruptedly in the different research projects (R&D) funded by the Ministry, the Valencian Government and other private institutions, such as the BBVA Foundation. She carried out research at the University of Murcia (Spain), as well as at the Università di Roma La Sapienza, the Università Bocconi di Milano and the Università di Bologna. She has been a member of the teaching staff of the Scuola Estiva di Alta Formazione Montalbano-Elicona of the Università degli Studi di Messina (Italy)

in the field of the International Interuniversity Research Doctorate in "Storia e comparazione delle istituzioni politiche e giuridiche europee".
 Prof. Pilar Hernando Serra has participated in several educational innovation programmes and projects in the "Clínica Jurídica per la Justícia Social" of the University of Valencia and has been a lecturer in the Master's Degree in International and European Union Studies since 2012. She has also taught in the undergraduate degrees of Political Science and Public Administration, Law and in the double degrees ADE-Law and Law-Political Science and Public Administration.


Prof. Fabiola Meco TebarProf. Fabiola Meco Tébar

Professor of Civil Law at the University de Valencia (profesora titular) and a collaborating Professor of Civil Law at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Vice-Dean of Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia on Economics, Analysis, Planning and Campus; President of the Equality Committee of the Faculty of Law.

She is a practicing lawyer in the area of family law and  a member of the Human Rights Institute of Valencia. She is a co-director of the postgraduate course on "Children's and Adolescents' Rights: Contexts of application and rights approach" (4th edition). She was the Manager of the CEPS Foundation (2002-2013), the Member of Parliament in the Valencian Parliament (2015-2019) and the Deputy Parliamentary Spokesperson. Prof. Fabila Meco Tebar was the winner of the 1st CERMI Awards - Category 3 Institutional: Impact of the UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities.

Currently, she teaches several postgraduate courses: on the Master's Degree in Law (Family and Inheritance Law), on the Master's Degree in constitutional law (Constitutional typologies of property law and the social function of property) - at the University of Valencia, on the Master's Degree in Constitutional Law - at the University Autonomous of Honduras.

Prof. Fabiola Meco has carried out several research in international centers such as La Sapienza (Rome) or Panthéon-Assas (Paris II). Her research interests are in particular family law, on which she has published numerous articles and has collaborated in various monographs, collective books and journals. She is a member of the IN_JUSTICE Research and Development Project "Times and spaces for an inclusive justice" (2022-2025), coordinator of the collective work : Comentarios a la Ley de 26/2018, de 21 de diciembre, de la Generalitat, de derechos y garantías de la Infancia y la adolescencia (Tirant lo Blanch,2022). She is co-investigator of the Teaching Innovation Project Legal and Teaching Materials 3.0 ). She is a member of two research groups at the University of Valencia: Welfare, Insurance and Pensions (GIUV2017-399-WIP) and Law, Rights and the Elderly.

Prof.  Fabiola Meco has collaborated with HelpAge in the elaboration of the Report on the Right to Care in Spain, and the development of the State Service for the Care of the Elderly. She is currently collaborating in the preparation of a report in cooperation with the University of Madrid Carlos III on the Strategy for the Deinstitutionalization of vulnerable population groups (children and adolescents, the elderly, people with disabilities and the homeless) developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Agenda 2030 in Spain.




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Data publikacji: środa, 21. Czerwiec 2023 - 08:48; osoba wprowadzająca: Sławomir Dajkowski Ostatnia zmiana: środa, 21. Czerwiec 2023 - 08:49; osoba wprowadzająca: Sławomir Dajkowski