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Dostępne w sieci UG oraz zdalnie przez system HAN:




Legal Source (EBSCO)

Springer Link

Wiley Online Library


A do Z – lista e-czasopism i e-książek dostępnych w Bibliotece UG

Dostępne online:


Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

ISAP Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych 

RCL Rządowe Centrum Legislacji 

Internetowa Baza Traktatowa  MSZ

ETPCz Orzecznictwo Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka 

Trybunał Konstytucyjny 

Sąd Najwyższy

POSP Portal Orzeczeń Sądów Powszechnych 

Bezpłatne bazy danych dostępne online (wybór na potrzeby Wydziału):

1.Afkortingenlijst voor juridische tijdschriften

A free list of European legal abbreviations maintained by K.U. Leuven.

2.British Crime Survey - National Digital Archive of Datasets

Current and archived datasets in the British Crime Survey series. The survey provides a measure of the true extent of crime, and is used by the Home Office to complement statistics derived from crimes reported to the police.

3.British & Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII)
Free cases from the UK Higher and Appeals courts c. 1996 -.

4.Current Legal Research Topics Database [

List of subjects currently being researched for higher degrees in the UK.

5.Directory of Open Access Journals

Provides access to scientific and scholarly electronic journals that are freely available on the web.

6.Doing Business Law Library

A free, online collection of business laws and regulations with links to official government sources wherever possible. The database provides access to economic and regulatory indicators comparable across different jurisdictions with laws on topics such as banking and credit, bankruptcy, companies, labour, securities, taxation and trade.


Specialist web portal for freely accessible online law resources, maintained by Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London.

8.Early English Laws

Codes, edicts & treatises produced in England prior to 1215


EU information - full text treaties, secondary legislation, preparatory legislation, cases, parliamentary documents.


EU information portal providing access to documents produced by various EU institutions. Select the 'Institutions' tab for links to EU courts.

11.European Sources Online

News, analysis and information on the European Union, the countries of Europe and on issues of concern to researchers in European affairs.

12.FLAG: Foreign Law Guide

A web portal to the holdings of foreign, international and comparative law in UK universities and national libraries.

13.Global Legal Monitor

A frequently updated summary of legal developments across the world supplied by the Library of Congress. For an archive of issues prior to May 2006 go to the World Law Bulletin (WLB).

14.Guide to Law Online - Law Library of Congress

Prepared by the Law Library of Congress Public Services Division. An annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online. Includes selected useful sites for legal information.


Daily Debates from Hansard are published on this website the next working day by 6am.
Archive of debates back to November 1988 (for House of Commons), and 1995-96 (for House of Lords)

16.ICNL International Center for Not-for-Profit Law Library

Welcome to ICNL's Online Library, a searchable database of laws, reports, and other civil society legal resources from countries around the world.

ICNL's Online Library currently contains 3414 resources from 205 countries and territories in 61 languages.

17.Index to Common Law Festschriften

Festschrift is the term used for a published collection of legal essays written by several authors to honour a distinguished jurist or to mark a significant legal event. This is the first index of contributions to common law Festschriften.

18.Infolaw Lawfinder

Gateway to UK legal resources.

19.International Criminal Law Database & Commentary

The ICL Database & Commentary aims to provide scholars, as well as practitioners, a starting point for legal research in the field of International Criminal Law.

20.Jean Monnet Center

A collection of working papers from the Jean Monnet Center at NYU School of Law, established to promote teaching in European intergration in particular Law, Economics, Political Science and History.

21.Law Review Commons

A portal to legal scholarship available on the open  web, the site brings together a growing collection of law reviews and legal journals in an easily browsable and searchable format.  It contains both current issues and archival content spanning over 100 years from nearly 150 law reviews from North American law schools.

22.Legal Topics

Law librarians of the US Library of Congress write reports on various legal topics, monitoring developments worldwide. The reports include commentary and recommendations to further resources. As of July 2014 reports are grouped under following subject areas:  Banking and Finance; Constitutional Issues; Corruption and Money Laundering;  Education, Family, and Children's Rights; Elections; Government Spending; Government Systems;Healthcare, Safety, and Bioethics; Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship; Indigenous and Cultural Property; Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership; Military; Minority Rights; Plants, Animals, and the Environment; Privacy Rights and Ownership; Religion and the Law; War Crimes and Terrorism.


A portal that provides access to free journals available on the Internet. The portal covers scientific journals, magazines, bulletins and newsletters and can be accessed in English, Spanish and Portuguese.


International Labour Organization's database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation.

25.OEIL - The Legislative Observatory

European Parliament database tracking the major stages of the legislation making process between EU institutions.

26.Official Document System of the United Nations 
UN documentation including treaties, reports and resolutions.


European Commission database mapping the major stages of the legislation making process between the EU Commission and other EU institutions.


US legislative information from the Library of Congress.

29.United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with and published by the Secretariat since 1946.

30.UNBISnet - United Nations, Dag Hammarskjold Library

Catalogue of UN publications and documentation with links to full text where available

31.WIPO-Lex aka CLEA Collection of Laws for Electronic Access  
Multi-jurisdictional database of intellectual property legislation and treaties provided by WIPO.


Free source of case law and legislation from various jurisdictions, international courts and tribunals. Includes a catalogue of free legal web sites organised by jurisdiction and subject.


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Data publikacji: czwartek, 27. luty 2014 - 13:35; osoba wprowadzająca: Marceli Spuła Ostatnia zmiana: piątek, 2. Grudzień 2022 - 14:44; osoba wprowadzająca: Sławomir Dajkowski